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Remembrance of My Soul is out Now!

Listen to it!

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The Warm Embrace of Black

The Storm of a Man

Dead World remixed

Dead World Lyrics:

Harsh words cannot tell the desperation of a dead world
Beetles and scavengers are the dominating life forms
The idiocy was spread among the fine houses
It was on the dead men’s perfect faces in their graves
Living your funeral and the script’s role, you are playing with spikes and chains
Anguish days of disgust fill the empty eyes
In solitude, I want to escape from the horror you are creating
The mortal hands drag into the abyss the abyss of sorrow
In silence, I lie. A pile of bones is rotten under the sun
Son of a dead world
Now the dark gods are dead
There are ashes and smoking ruins
No one rules this world
I have tried to escape from reality
I have tried to climb the top of the mountain
The abyss and the eternal fall are a solitary crying
I’m alone without a role, while the illusion and the dreams dissolve
It was dead before it started, and the hope is a slave
It is chained to the blood and money
All that remains is hate

Quantum Oracle

Quantum Oracle Lyrics:

A clone out of thousand clones observes the screen
Resources have been depleted, so the world is reaching the end
Thanks to genetic techniques, diseases have been defeated
Hunger is a memory, and the population has increased
The energy-efficient machine has replaced the flesh
Therefore, the plastic carrier preserves the brain
Artificial pleasures heal the mental diseases
Give me the neural injection, the social connection
One-man quest, the Quantum Oracle
One-man request, the Quantum Oracle
Under a single flag, we shall conquer the sky
Beyond the stars, beyond the Gods, it’s journey to the infinity
It’s time to spread the seeds, and the new civilization shall rise
It’s nanotechnological and silicon based
The inhuman body absorbs the light beam
Give me the neural injection, the social connection
One-man quest, the Quantum Oracle
One-man request, the Quantum Oracle

~Demons in my Mind has been published on Spotify - 28/04/2020

~Demons in my Mind lyrics:

Thoughts and memories swirling each other
Like chocking strings in this endless maze
Where is Ariadne?
The silver cord, hope is lost
Every scheme repeats itself the change of state leads to closed roads
I back track, I am ready to face the monster of the labyrinth for a new defeat
Where is Ariadne?
The sword, hope is lost
While I'm writing these words, I realize to be a prisoner
A dark icy awareness brings me to reality
Screaming, escaping, falling from grace, cry the demons in my mind
Through thorn hedges and basalt path a mirror is amongst the leaves
Memories, tears, the eyes of an old man
Where is Ariadne?
The sword, the silver cord

Coming Soon: ~Demons in my Mind - Promo 2020!

Subscribe the YouTube channel!

Coming Soon: Evil Tree, new song!

EVIL TREE VIDEO WILL BE PUBLISHED: 2019-06-21. For more info Subscribe the YouTube channel!

Evil Tree Lyrics:

A slight ripple occurred in time, as the breeze was blowing
The seed fell into the ground
My life is like a dry leaf, and it is the last one hanging on the tree

The sun doesn't shine
The rain doesn't fall
The soil is poor
It is the evil tree

Spring never comes, so the seed can’t sprout
It took roots in muddy lands, where it absorbing the sorrow

Then, the wind blows

Flyer promoting Evil Tree release Subscribe the YouTube channel

Generative Experiment Out now!

Looking for the Demons in the images

2018-01-30: The Manual of Pedal Settings: FREE download!

Mark has crafted the new pedalboard, so he needs to take note of the settings!
That's why the Manual of Pedal Settings has been created
The manual consists of 10 pages, and it is available for FREE download!
Click here to download the manual

Pedalboard settings
Click the image, Share and Play!

2016-10-04: New leather Patches

Handcrafted leather patches have been created using fan artwork. Limited edition!

Death metal patches

2016-10-04: Generative Art Experiment!

It's an experiment based on the photos and neural network. Photos were taken by fans during our last show. Work in progress! To see the final process, Keep in contact and visit the page!

Generative Art image


NEW email: info.souldaemon[\m/]


Paint our songs! We are looking for artists. Contact us!

album cover


Heretic Metal - Tracklist

  1. Black Sea
  2. From the Desert
  3. Electronic War
  4. Dead World
  5. Heretic Metal
  6. Twilight of the Gods
  7. Wings of Death
  8. Survive in the Abyss
  9. Symbolum666

reverbantnation logo and link

Zombie Ritual's Review


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Abstract of SoulDaemon Band

-SoulDaemon was born in 1999 as a bass project that merges Death, Doom and Black Metal. The main influences are the '80 and' 90 tunes. Our favourite bands are Bolt Thrower, Morbid Angel, Death, Obituary, Bathory, Manowar, Manilla Road, Cirith Ungol, Immortal and more...